The Battle Ground Public Schools Department of Assessment provides information about the extent to which students are meeting district and state standards and guides educational improvement efforts in partnership with teachers, administrators, and support staff.
Standards Based Reporting K-4
Student Participation
District Common Assessments – Formative Assessments
District Common Assessments – Summative Assessments
District Assessments – Early Literacy Skills Assessments
District Assessments – i-Ready
Federal Assessments – NAEP
Federal Assessments – TIMSS
Federal Assessments – ICILS
State Assessments – SBA
State Assessments – Classroom-Based Assessments
State Assessments – Second Grade Reading Assessment
State Assessments – WA-AIM
State Assessments – WIDA
Standards Based Reporting K-4
Battle Ground Public Schools has aligned our student report cards to standards based assessments and the Washington State Learning Standards. The goal of our report cards is to create a district wide consistency in the reporting progress. This process will help align practices for accurate and timely reporting of student learning to parents and students.
Student Participation
We encourage parents and students to be informed about testing procedures and expectations. Our schools and district office have multiple resources to aid families through the testing process. Special accommodations can be made to assist your child. Please contact your school’s assessment coordinator for more information about special accommodations, resources, and questions regarding participation or withdrawing a student from testing. You can also contact the district’s Assessment Department for more information.

Contact Us
Director of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction
Allison Tuchardt 360-885-5364 Email Allison Tuchardt
Assessment Data Technician
Molly Stickler 360-885-5441 Email Molly Stickler
Administrative Assistants
Lacey Marsolek 360-885-5391 Email Lacey Marsolek
Paula Delano 360-885-5438 Email Paula Delano